Because players can bet into Colossus pools with fractional stakes and in different currencies, we need a common ‘currency’ to count and display contributions – the unit.
A unit is equal to a £2 line*. So if your currency is GBP (£), it follows that if you choose a:
£2 stake per line, each line counts as 1 unit
£1 stake per line, each line counts as 0.5 unit
50p stake per line, each line counts as 0.25 unit
20p stake per line, each line counts as 0.1 unit
Unit information throughout our site is displayed in GBP (£) units. This means that if you place a bet in a currency other than GBP (£), your bet is counted and displayed as less than a GBP (£) unit (per line) in the relevant pool. For example, if you choose a €2 stake per line, each line counts as [0.9] units (the exact figure fluctuates based on currency exchange rates). This, however, does not affect your payout, which is always displayed in your currency.
* Except for pools that offer no consolation prizes, such as racing Finishing Order and Place pools, where a unit is equal to a £1 line. Read more about staking options for racing pools here.